Dune 2021 movie


Rear Admiral
Wife and I just saw this in IMAX and were blown away, I loved it can't wait to see it again. What do y'all think?
Saw it in September and remained silent in order not to annoy all my US friends.

Awesome movie.
I have not left the cinema that happy since LotR in 2001, witnessing movie history being made.

Hoping for a longer extended cut at a later point, since the obviously shot more material than the final cut contained.

Go watch it if it is safe to go.
Absolutely loved it. Spectacular film and faithful to the book in all the important aspects. You really need to see this in IMAX if possible.
Absolutely loved it. Spectacular film and faithful to the book in all the important aspects. You really need to see this in IMAX if possible.
Yeah wife and i saw it in IMAX and while i was pumped, she was worried that she would be bored out her mind. Well while i loved it, she liked it even more than i did. She wants to get hbo max for a month to watch it again with subtitles on, bc some of the dialogue was hard to hear bc of the mix. I plan on seeing it again with my mom in the theaters.

The scene with the baron and Leto AKA Oscar Isaac in the dining room was epic on every level. Visually astounding and emotionally invested
faithful to the book in all the important aspects
Yeah, the finally get it. It is one of my favorite books and this movie understands this world and the themes of the story.

There is one glaring omission though, and that is the Duke's dinner am I am very certain they shot that (along with the greenhouse and the baliset, if you scour the making-ofs you can find a lot of the material that I am hoping for in an extended cut). So why is the Duke's dinner a weird omission? Because they even quote it in the second dinner scene with the Baron. The sheer fact that this scene takes place in the dining hall (a change from the book) is a smart move because it increases the connection between the two scenes and Duke Leto repeats the Here I am and here I remain. Guessing these two scenes were meant to play of each other, a perverse inversion so to speak. But, due to movie runtime length concerns or something, the original scene is missing.
In short, here is hoping for part 2 and a extended cut on 4k bluray. At least the former is probably a given, the movie did make 100+ million without China and US, which is already very solid.
Yeah, the finally get it. It is one of my favorite books and this movie understands this world and the themes of the story.

There is one glaring omission though, and that is the Duke's dinner am I am very certain they shot that (along with the greenhouse and the baliset, if you scour the making-ofs you can find a lot of the material that I am hoping for in an extended cut). So why is the Duke's dinner a weird omission? Because they even quote it in the second dinner scene with the Baron. The sheer fact that this scene takes place in the dining hall (a change from the book) is a smart move because it increases the connection between the two scenes and Duke Leto repeats the Here I am and here I remain. Guessing these two scenes were meant to play of each other, a perverse inversion so to speak. But, due to movie runtime length concerns or something, the original scene is missing.
In short, here is hoping for part 2 and a extended cut on 4k bluray. At least the former is probably a given, the movie did make 100+ million without China and US, which is already very solid.
Interesting point! All the way through the film and afterwards I was thinking about specific scenes or story beats that were left out, and there aren't many.

The dinner scene of course is a big one that came to my mind as well. Whether or not it detracts from the film is debatable. In the book it serves as as an introduction to the major players on Arrakis, and helps to reinforce the precarious position the Atreides find themselves in. Apparently there was no need for this scene in the film since the characters that feature in it (like Tuek the smuggler) are not present in the film. Like you I also missed Jessica's conservatory, but again, it probably wasn't crucial to the story.

Having said that, I would gladly watch a 3+ hour extended cut with as many additional scenes as Denis wants to cram in there. It also goes without saying that Part 2 needs to happen ASAP.
Interesting point! All the way through the film and afterwards I was thinking about specific scenes or story beats that were left out, and there aren't many.

The dinner scene of course is a big one that came to my mind as well. Whether or not it detracts from the film is debatable. In the book it serves as as an introduction to the major players on Arrakis, and helps to reinforce the precarious position the Atreides find themselves in. Apparently there was no need for this scene in the film since the characters that feature in it (like Tuek the smuggler) are not present in the film. Like you I also missed Jessica's conservatory, but again, it probably wasn't crucial to the story.

Having said that, I would gladly watch a 3+ hour extended cut with as many additional scenes as Denis wants to cram in there. It also goes without saying that Part 2 needs to happen ASAP.
I hope there is a director's cut but Denis doesn't seem the type to have a director's cut if that make sense. the director's cut is what he puts on screen in his eyes. but I hope I'm wrong.
I hope there is a director's cut but Denis doesn't seem the type to have a director's cut if that make sense. the director's cut is what he puts on screen in his eyes. but I hope I'm wrong.
Well, rather than a director's cut, let's rather call it an extended edition. The LOTR trilogy is a good example. The theatrical versions are already fantastic, but for those who absolutely want to see every bit of footage and don't mind the extra run time, the extended editions just add some scenes that were initially left out for whatever reasons. It's not a fundamental rework of the film like the Snyder cut was to Justice League.
I like a lot of the new casting choices especially the kid that played Elvis in the new bio pick, Austin Butler
I like a lot of the new casting choices especially the kid that played Elvis in the new bio pick, Austin Butler
He's going to make a fantastic Feyd. I'm a bit less excited about Chris Walken as the Emperor, but will be happy to be proven wrong.
He's going to make a fantastic Feyd. I'm a bit less excited about Chris Walken as the Emperor, but will be happy to be proven wrong.
you and I see eye to eye on pretty much everything. I don't know how to feel about walken either. he plays Christopher Walken in every movie, just like Jeff Goldblum plays Jeff Goldblum in every movie lol.
you and I see eye to eye on pretty much everything. I don't know how to feel about walken either. he plays Christopher Walken in every movie, just like Jeff Goldblum plays Jeff Goldblum in every movie lol.
Or Samuel L. Jackson who plays Samuel L. Jackson most of the time, even though he does a good job with that.

On the other hand, perhaps Mr. Villenevue will manage to get Mr. Walken actually play the Emperor and not himself.

One of the few things I agree with Doug "Nostalgia Critic" Walker: An actor's performance depends a lot on the director.
(To be precise: When talking about the Star Wars prequels he said that an unfocused director can ruin even the best actor's performance.)

Another example: Klaus Kinski.
In "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" I had the impression he was playing himself even though he did a good job.
In the remake of "Nosferatu the Vampyre" as well as "Fitzcarraldo" on the other hand, I felt he actually played these characters with all their facets and had a fantastic performance.
(All three of them were directed by the same man: Werner Herzog.)