Changing keys



Hey folks ... i've got trouble with the Navigation keys ....
They seem to be for an english keyboard but i've got a german one ...

Is there a way to change it ???

Do i have to change it in the config file??? Is there a risk of a crash ???

Please help me ....

I'm a fan of the sequel: The Darkening !!!!!
I'm quoting MamiyaOtaru here, from another post:
have a look in vegastrike.config, in the main privateer folder. It has all the keybindings, which you can change at will. You will see a line like
<bind key="h" modifier="none" command="NearestTargetKey" />
'h' basically cycles through hostiles. It should start with the nearest one.

The post is here:
The portion abou remapping keys should be highlighted, but maybe there's also something interesting for you in the rest.
you can validate vegastrike.config (make sure you didn't cause a crashable offense) by renaming it to vegastrike.config.xml then opening it in internet explorer-which will point out helpfully any errors