Call signs...


I'm sure there's been a post or two about this but I just discovered this BB so you're all going to have to endure the agony all over again! Muah-ah-ah-ah! Oh, uhh...sorry. Anyway, my favorite call sign is Cide. You know...pestiCIDE, fatriCIDE, matriCIDE, genoCIDE. I like it. It suits my purposes. Let me know what your favorite call sign has been and the story/explanation behind it, if any. Later.
Oh, I think it`s a tradition that developed around the time when I joined the board.

Anyway, for a long time, I went by the alias of Ace McJack, which I kinda` liked.
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Twister, couse my real name it Tristan, and i was typing my name really fast one day and it said something like "Twisten" so i thought "Twister Tristan?"

so here i am Tristan "Twister" Verboom
Used to go by the call sign Calvin, which was a nickname I picked up in High School. Had something to do with a completely unfounded rumor that my younger days were Bill Watterson's inspiration for Calvin. I will admit the similarites are almost creepy at times, including the fact that I did have a stuffed tiger toy. Of course my mother found the concept hysterical, and did nothing to dispel said rumor. I gave up and started using CAL as my initals for high scores on arcade games and when WC came out used it in the game. Was surprised by WC2 and the creation of my new Kilarthi friend Hobbes. Kept the callsign, but after WCHQ decided to put it out to pasture. For Prophecy I used Cubie for obvious reasons. I used Shane in Privateer, thought it suited the character better, which is what I use now.
Shane said:
Was surprised by WC2 and the creation of my new Kilarthi friend Hobbes.

That's always been puzzling. Is Hobbes named after the tiger from Calvin and Hobbes (as alluded to in the Heart of the Tiger novel, or at least I think it was), or is he named after Thomas Hobbes, author of Leviathan (as he says in WC2)? Just wondering.

Anywho, might as well play along. I've gone through various stages of callsign: First, I was Lobo1 (which I used throughout Prophecy and Secret Ops-- used Maverick for the other games and Gunner for Privateer), 'cause I had some facination with gray, Southwestern wolves for some crazy reason, then it was Cadet (thank God I changed that before the rank thing developed), then Dralthi4 (over at AGWC), and finally Dralthi5.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited June 08, 2000).]
I don't know about you, but I don't think 'The Drift' has any hope in Kilrath of shifting this subject.

Well... I'm not going to go through introductions; considering that anyone who wants a brief intro, can go through our profiles.


Assistant Game Master - Chief of Public Relations
BlackLance HQ
"Every truth has three sides."
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My first ever calsign (actually it was more of a name) was Lovius. I got it out of some games magazine review of Space Hulk. Never found out if it was a character in the game or not. I still use it when I need a first name for an adventure game. As a last name I usually go with "No-Regret or "The Regretless One"
The callsign "No Regret" I picked up from part 2 of the great crusader games. Just thought it sounded so damn cool. I actually thought it was so cool I would be the only one on the internet using it. Of course I was wrong.
I use it everywhere. Icq, msn gaming zone,...

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Dralthi5 said:
That's always been puzzling. Is Hobbes named after the tiger from Calvin and Hobbes (as alluded to in the Heart of the Tiger novel, or at least I think it was), or is he named after Thomas Hobbes, author of Leviathan (as he says in WC2)? Just wondering.

I've always liked the idea that Downtown named him after the comic strip character, but told him that the name referred to a great philosopher. And, in some ways, Hobbes (the tiger, not real one) was quite a philosopher. Loved that strip, miss it greatly. Just heard Jeff McNealy, the guy who created the strip "Shoe" and who also illustrated Dave Barry's columns just died at Johns Hopkins today.
Cool Hand and Mad Dog are my two, and I dont want to repeat the explanations, search the archives if your interested.

"I'm putting you back in the cockpit Colonel, where you will be reunited with an old friend, the thrill of battle!"
-Tolwyn to Blair WC IV
You know, my cousin, when he first played the original WC1 around the time it came out, actually entered the name Maverick as his callsign. (and NO, he did not have a manual or anything)

Talk about creepy. Is that a coincidence or what?
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Not really.
If you think about how people come up with those callsigns, you wouldn't be surprised at all. Afterall, Wing Commander 1 wasn't the only game who used Maverick as a callsign. Heck! They use that same callsign in the present day airforces...
I always use the nickname "Asterix" on PC games or BBS. As you know Asterix is a french comic. But I´m nothing like him, I´m big and I´m not blond.

"Hasta la victoria siempre."
-El Che
Mad Hatter said:
You know, my cousin, when he first played the original WC1 around the time it came out, actually entered the name Maverick as his callsign. (and NO, he did not have a manual or anything)

Talk about creepy. Is that a coincidence or what?

Maybe he liked Top Gun.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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I used to use "Rdog" because my dad was teaching my lil brother and I the alphabet so my brother (Sam) was "Sdog" and I (Robert) was "Rdog" in the bedtime stories he told. Thne I switched to Tailburn b/c I use the afterburners a lot; I thought that was unique to me. I don't think so anymore.

"He has warrior spirit. It will be the death of him." Prince Thrakhath - End Run

[This message has been edited by Tailburn (edited June 08, 2000).]
Well, I was still searching a call-sign, and thought that Hero (the one I started with) was the one for me, however, after some thoughts, I've realized that my *true* call-sign is "Claw Marks" seince I use it everywhere (Email, ICQ, MSN Zone, Mplage, IRC, etc) from the time I came to the net.
This realization came to me in the past few months, so I decided to keep Hero as my BBs' name, just so I'll remember who I was.

And I hardly think I need to explain the meaning of "Claw Marks"
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After some research, there are only 5 people on the net that uses Meson or a derivative, and I'm one of them.

I took this nick 'cause I couldn't think of a good one. Now after I completely know what mesons are, I find that I like it. I love being the guy that rips a part his enemies at the subatomic level.


Wing Commander is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle.

[This message has been edited by Meson (edited June 10, 2000).]
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Yes Meson... you know exactly how many people there are


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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