

Vice Admiral
Well, my trusty, dusty laptop that I was running the 9b game on had to be put in the shop. After waiting an hour for it to download. I did get to play with it a little, my initial reaction is it's pretty good, so far. The only things I had to point out so far was some of the bartender audio is missing. Seems to be the ones relating to pirates. Wierd. All the plot related ones seem to be working now. The computer will be gone for about a week, it's getting a new screen. After that, I'll be back in my Tarsus. 'Till then, I'll be doing 18 Wheels of Steel Across America, and some other stuff on the archaic home computer.
Sorry to hear it. When you get it back, please let us know exactly which bartender lines are missing audio. Though with luck, that will all be cleared up by the time you get your laptop back :D
Here's some I've found so far:

(removed?) A woman came in here the other day with one of those Kilrathi energy pistols….

(removed?) Hey, did you heat the news? Word is the 5th fleet under Admiral Johansen managed to bag a whole bunch of Kilrathi. Maybe we can win this war after all.

(fixed) There’s a lot of talk about the blockade in the Palan system. Supposedly Lemuel Monkhouse is trapped there…

(removed?) This captain of a Drayman came in here the other day looking like she could use a drink. Turned out she had been chased by pirates across three systems! Persistent little buggers, aren’t they, And the militia wasn’t much help.

(removed?) A toast to the men and women of the Confederate Armed Forces. If not for them, we’d all be learning to speak Kilrathi right now. If those things even have vocal chords.
Thanks for the list. One of them is in there now, hopefully the rest wil be nailed down sooner or later. As you know, getting them in game (in the original) is hit or miss :D

Ridgerunner: glad you are getting your comp back!
MamiyaOtaru said:
Thanks for the list. One of them is in there now, hopefully the rest wil be nailed down sooner or later. As you know, getting them in game (in the original) is hit or miss :D
I would imagine it rapidly becomes an exercise in frustration to find the last missing one, since the bartender isn't very friendly after a few chats... :)

I always wanted to change the "go away" messages:
"Could you tell me..."
"Sorry, can't talk right now, I've got customers"
::robot from Righteous Fire intro throws you out into the concourse::

there's a var in bases/bartenders.py that you can adjust to increase the number of times you can talk to joe the bartender (or jane depending on the world)

(removed?) A mercenary unit, the ‘Red Condors’ came in here a while ago…

(fixed) I used to fly for the Exploratory Service… ‘till I saved up enough to buy this bar…

(fixed) Man, I tell you, I hate the British, who doesn’t right?...