Bug Eyes Came in Third? (August 27, 2000)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
New Poll's up, I like this one. It might have a kink in it and unfortunately need to be reset, but we're working on it and it should be just fine for the coming week. The last one was fairly popular too, but what were you thinking? Not all of you, but about one in eight people thought Mr. Bug Eyes Melek was the best looking Kilrathi in all of Wing Commander? He's practically the only one in the entire game, so when you vote for WC4 that's what you're voting for. One in eight people thought that beat out even the Card Game Kilrathi? I hope it was just a healthy bias for the game in general, because WC4 Melek.. jeeze.

Original update published on August 27, 2000
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