Blockade Run Bug


Seventh Part of the Seal
FYI. In the last mission of the Simulator, the blockade run, I'm using the Morningstar. I blast the enemy destroyer to allow the TCS Quebec to go through... yet for some reason its still firing at the dead ship. theres no fighters left on the screen, or they havent spawned yet, but the cruiser is still firing flack cannons at the wrecked hulk... not sure if this is a bug, but its something I thought I'd point out.
That's not a bug, it's a feature :p.

No, really, it's just something we can't fix. For reasons known only to themselves, capships continue shooting at dead enemy capships even after they're, well, dead. Similarly, capships really hate enemy ejection pods.
Yes, I remember this one. It was always amusing to see the Cerberus firing its Big Gun against any dead capital ships which happened to (not) be in its way while jumping out of a system.

I don't remember the ejection pod threat thing, though. Maybe I just didn't have enough ejection pods near a Nephilim war vessel?
the turrets firing at ejection pods instead of me saved me many times haha, it'd be distracted by the pod while I destroyed it easily.
That's not a bug, it's a feature :p.

No, really, it's just something we can't fix. For reasons known only to themselves, capships continue shooting at dead enemy capships even after they're, well, dead. Similarly, capships really hate enemy ejection pods.

AIIgnoreTarget, maybe? I used that WCP command to get bombers to stop afterburning towards a capship at a distant (but not yet reached/active) navpoint before I realized how cool it was to have the bombers race away from the enemy fighters at the current nav.
AIIgnoreTarget, maybe? I used that WCP command to get bombers to stop afterburning towards a capship at a distant (but not yet reached/active) navpoint before I realized how cool it was to have the bombers race away from the enemy fighters at the current nav.
No, this is a capship we're talking about. Capship turrets have their own AI, so they wouldn't obey this - and IIRC, it would crash the game :p.
No, this is a capship we're talking about. Capship turrets have their own AI, so they wouldn't obey this - and IIRC, it would crash the game :p.

I am now so glad I asked that question because I'm sure I would have tried this. I had no idea that the Capship Turrets were controlled by their own AI - is the same true of say, the Devestator Turrets? Or would they accept 'parent ship' AI commands? Or more likely, has that never been tested?
All turrets have their own AI. That's why the player's own turret shoots independently of the player's actions.

I don't think ships are even aware of the existence of their own turrets. At least, I've never noticed any ships in WCP manoeuvring to put me in the firing cone of a turret. However, unlike capships, fighter and corvette turrets do react accordingly to script commands - you tell a corvette or a fighter to attack nothing, and its turrets will also attack nothing.

Capships are basically just plain different. Their AI works differently, and certain commands are not valid for them. It's possible that if the ignore command didn't crash the game in the case of capships, their turrets would in fact obey it - but since it does crash, we'll never know.
Why is it that capital ships can't simply explode in the Vision engine?
That's how the programmers made the game work. We can't possibly answer this question - you'd have to talk to the programmers from Origin about why they made the game work the way they did.