
The problem is torpedoes won´t hit it and it has that white Arrow-ripper cannon in the back.

Nothing compared to WCP corvette, though. What are those lasers?
You just have one really strong turrent on the Corvette. It's interesting how the Kilrathi inverted that WC1 philisophy of making the ships weaker in the back so they wouldn't turn their backs into the enemy.
A torpedo will actually hit a corvette, you just have to time fire either from directly in front, or directly behind. And, firing from behind, you gotta make sure you took out that bloody turret, or your torpedo will only serve to kill the turret real good (though, if you're just goofing around, putting a torp into that turret can be quite satisfying; the little bitch).

Or, you can use an HS missile to eliminate that turret. Then there's a nice blind spot where the other turrets can't get you. When I'm not in a hurry, I like to slide up behind the corvette and play "peekaboo" with the other turrets, gunning them to pieces as soon as I see them.
WCP's corvetter were large sitting ducks. You just had to keep yourself behind it. all the 4 cannons pointed forward. The Tigershark would kill it pretty fast with CMDs and rockets.
My biggest beef with being sent up versus a 'vette is turret density... those things have the best firepower per square metre of any capship Im aware of, which means that unless you have big nasty guns (read: quad Tachyon) shoot-dodge-shoot isnt going to be too nice since you get ripped apart.

Re: Shelton Slide... has anyone tried REALLY lowering the afterburner fuel in WCP to something near WC1-4 duration to see if that helps with the "ludicrously easy" aspect of things? Being able to cruise around at 800KPS in the biggest fighter in the game for minutes on end is a bit of a departure from how things used to be done, as is the "your at full afterburner speed almost instantly".
Chernikov said:
My biggest beef with being sent up versus a 'vette is turret density... those things have the best firepower per square metre of any capship Im aware of, which means that unless you have big nasty guns (read: quad Tachyon) shoot-dodge-shoot isnt going to be too nice since you get ripped apart.

Yeah, those corvettes could concentrate quite a volley on you.