Alien designs


Rear Admiral
I'd have to say one of the coolest alien designs I've seen in a long time were the Protoss from Starcraft. Those nerve appendages were really cool and I liked how their legs bent the opposite direction. They even had a pretty interesting background story to them and why some severed their nerve appendages and became the Dark Templar.

And this may sound really lame, but I think the Vulcans from Star Trek were great too. I know a lot of Star Trek aliens may seem lame because they will just have a little bump on their forhead or ears and that makes them alien, but in Star Trek episodes I really felt like they were just trying to get an idea or moral across to the viewer and you just had to use your imagination a little more when the budget fell short of producing spectacular aliens. But I like how logical the Vulcans are and yet they are totally illogical as well because they often contradict themselves. It's like a race who is denying everything they are and yet they are still finding new truths in such a hypocritical society and philosophy.

One thing I really liked about the Kilrathi besides just their design, was their cultuer and psycology. I always wanted to know more about their background and wished that in all Wing Commander games and the movie that they would get into their culture more. It's just another example to me of a fictional universe that has so much more to explore and yet because people know it won't make a lot of money to produce such a medium, it faces extinction. Not that it does at all, however. I'm so amazed at the fan-made projects that have come about. Such dedication to it all is really quite incredible. It makes me so happy that WC means so much to other people as it does me.

Well, I meant to start this just talking about favorite alien designs. So I'll stop there. What are some of your favorite alien concepts?
As a general rule, 99% of all alien races in sci-fi are utter shit. Why? Because while, as time progresses, the make-up and CGI effects used to depict aliens are getting better and better, the behaviour and characterisation are, if anything, getting worse. Consequently, you can have some weird-looking four-armed alien with two hearts or whatever... but his personality and behaviour will still be too human to take seriously.
I don't know about that - after all, the vast majority of science fiction doesn't involve makeup or CGI.
Mh, what is "true/serious" Science Fiction and what not. Maybe you are refering to the Sci-Fi novells, LOAF. Excuse my ignorance, but IMO Star Trek isn't real Sci-Fi, only a 60ies entertaiment universe.

All the so called alien races are mostly humanoid (who wonders, they are made by human storywritter and have human behavior and bodies) and anthropomorph.
In the case of the Protoss, they look like strange human beings with "jump" or "bented" legs. Like common mammals and reptile animals, only in a bipedal design.

The explaination, why in ST all "dominant" races are humanlike is, that the most of them have the same genetical origin and hails from an older race and the other reason is the low budget.
Roddenberry also purposely made his aliens human-like because he wanted viewers to be able to relate to them as people, not just creatures. He used his Star Trek stories to make statements about society on earth.
Yes, I can remember this statement from him. Like I said, a "60ies entertaiment universe" - with real life parallels.

An other example of rl-influence to fiction (I know, fiction is an converted image of reality in general):
Some people take also analogies from Tolkien's Middle Earth to the RL. And some similarities are right. Tolkien was an enemy of the industrialization. But he don't like it, that his fantasy tale world is to be compared with real political and ecologic situations, as he once mentioned.
McGruff said:
Roddenberry also purposely made his aliens human-like because he wanted viewers to be able to relate to them as people, not just creatures

Or the fact that it's fairly easy making people into aliens.
At least ST never put a monkey in a robo-dog suit..

..but there was that guy they covered in shag carpet, made him crawl around on his hands and knees and called him a Horta..

Bandit LOAF said:
I don't know about that - after all, the vast majority of science fiction doesn't involve makeup or CGI.
Sorry, I should have indeed specified that I'm talking about TV and movie sci-fi, not about all sci-fi in general.