Admiral Tolwyn quoted by White House Foreign Affairs Committe!

Mjr. Whoopass

<FONT color=lightblue><B>I was going to say someth
I had a strange experience tonight watching White House Foreign Affairs Committe member Rep. Mike Pence slowly quote and emphasize Admiral Tolwyn's immortal words: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilence" (I know, Thomas Jefferson also said it). It was just a little odd to see it quoted at a government meeting when the last time I saw it quoted by a government official was when Tolwyn was quoting it on my computer.
Well it makes perfect sense

I mean, look at words in their proper context. Of course someone in the American government will come out with that. Bush's administration has been saying it in different words since September 11th. Its that whole argument that in order to secure our freedoms, we need to constantly look for the next threat that comes against us. Personally I think its a load of crap. You can't be free if you think someone will always be out to get you. The Price of Vigilance is eternal fear. How's that for twisting some words around!
I mean, look at words in their proper context. Of course someone in the American government will come out with that. Bush's administration has been saying it in different words since September 11th. Its that whole argument that in order to secure our freedoms, we need to constantly look for the next threat that comes against us. Personally I think its a load of crap. You can't be free if you think someone will always be out to get you. The Price of Vigilance is eternal fear. How's that for twisting some words around!

I'm not even sure what the best way to make fun of you is.
we need to constantly look for the next threat that comes against us. Personally I think its a load of crap.

If I hadn't sat down before reading that, I'd have surely doubled over in horror.
Unfortunately I was stretching my legs when I read it. I'd better bite my tongue before I start agreeing with LeHah or something.