A few bugs (may have spoilers)



First of all, a big thank you to the Privateer Remake team! You guys did an incredible job!

I just want to file a few bugs/things I have noticed in 1.0

1. The confed friendliness sometimes becomes 2.5e-99 for some strange reason.

2. *spoiler*

3. Milspec Demon has two bugs that I can see:
3a. When you buy the Demon, it comes with 10 torpedos and 2 heatseekers. Once you use up the heatseekers, however, you're only allowed one. Strange.

3b. Even though the default Milspec Demon do have a ITTS enabled radar, autotracking does not work when bought. However, after some testing, buying even the cheapest radar at $9000 (downgrade?) would make the autotracking work while retaining all of the color coding and ITTS capabilities. So my guess is that the autotracking is looking for an installed radar in the XML and couldn't find one b/c it's built-in.

4. In the original, the number of brackets changes if you downgrade your shields by a level and adds back in if you turn it back up. There is no change in the current code so it's hard to tell what level my ship sheild is running at.

5. Stupid capships - I saw a Kamekh going one on one with a Demon - the Kamekh does a good job of turning towards the Demon and severely damaging it. However, when a Galaxy comes along to join the fight (doesn't make sense for a Galaxy to take on a Kamekh, but oh well), the Kamekh keep shifting between the two targets and don't fire at all. So, while the Kamekh could easily destroy both ships it just rotates the whole time until it gets blown up. I guess this is an AI bug (or is that intentional?)

That's all I saw. Again, it's just minor gripes, the remake is really great =)
Indeed. Currently it has one level lower shield than the centurion (but makes up for this by being smaller and harder to hit) while having the same reactor, thus having more firepower. *If* there were to be a user flyable demon in the game, it would need to have its shields and reactor lowered by a level each, and possibly limited to medium or lower guns.

As it is, it is horribly unbalanced, and there are two possible solutions.