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  1. W

    Apparently the Kilrathi are actually bears.

    Actually Im not sure Wing Commander actually entered their heads.. the Bulrathi were a race of bears in Master of Orion (same genre of game which stardrive is based off) and are pretty much a like for like there. The Mrrshan were the cats in that game ;)
  2. W

    Request for some artwork.

    Thats what I refered to as the Sivar+Enterprise hybrid. Mainly cause the pancake rather than orb structure made it look rather much like a sovereign class from star trek (front view take away the wings) I didnt realise it was similar to the S.Wing Commander version, had that down as the current...
  3. W

    Request for some artwork.

    Hey guys, been off the WC scene for around 10 years now but with Star Citizen and a few other space games coming soon Ive really got the itch again and a creative bug. Im not much of a graphics artist however and thought Id come to where Ive always gone to check up on WC related stuff which is...