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  1. M

    Identity Overlay? Sure…

    Oops, sorry if I offended anyone’s Christian ideals. I was just trying to make a point that ANYTHING can be made to fit no matter how inane. Sorry if you missed that.
  2. M

    Identity Overlay? Sure…

    Blair was Christ reborn – can be made to fit with the rest. Blair was the anti-Christ – can be made to fit with the rest. Tolwyn was a giant mutated bunny rabbit – can be made to fit with the rest. Angel was the incarnation of the Venus, ah hell, why not Zeus himself? – can be made to fit...
  3. M

    WingCommander-Simulator ? ?

    You may be right about the calendar time but I would think that there would be a way to correlate ages from passages in the Bible. I guess both were just very very OLD. Nope, I was not around to see the world created and neither were any of the people that junior mentioned so how do we know...
  4. M

    WingCommander-Simulator ? ?

    Well there must be a way to figure the true age by examination: Okay this passage talks about Moses and so-and-so who's the son of the son of the son of the son…and so on. And what about Adam? Wasn't his age supposed to be in the hundreds (or some other multiple of 40)? Okay, now which one of...
  5. M

    WingCommander-Simulator ? ?

    I find it somewhat ironic that the same people that discount evolution as utter nonsense in favor of the Bible believe: 1. Every living person on earth is the result of the incestuous coupling of Adam/Eve's children. 2. That Adam was more than 500 years old (I think it is actually close to...
  6. M

    Space sim games (SW Episode II Spoilers)

    half-brother n : a son of your stepparent by a former marriage [syn: stepbrother] From the dictionary definition above, I don't believe there is a distinction between half-brother and step-brother although I've always thought that the former implied blood relation. I think in this case...
  7. M

    Space sim games (SW Episode II Spoilers)

    There are many plausible explanations as to why he would have a half-job at his wedding. But we know that whatever it is (or is supposed to be) at the end of EP2, it eventually does become the robotic hand because Luke cuts it off at the end.
  8. M

    Space sim games (SW Episode II Spoilers)

    At the end of EP2, what was that gel stuff covering Anakin's hand? Synthetic skin? Robotic lubricant?
  9. M

    WingCommander-Simulator ? ?

    Not much I can add to that. Yes, this is all I look for in Scifi - cool shiny things. Why bother with any of the nonessentials you mentioned above, you know: plot, emotional impact, etc when you can have explosions and cool shiny things.
  10. M

    WingCommander-Simulator ? ?

    Fair enough. I will say this, my issues with the movie [b]were not[\b] (a) the color of the afterburner flame or (b) the Epee (or whatever) in the movie didn't look like the Epee in the game or (c) anything about the movie that conflicted with the established game universe. If my gripes about...
  11. M

    WingCommander-Simulator ? ?

    Do you get any perks for being the mayor of Stupidville? Oh yeah, I only like movies that I direct.:rolleyes:
  12. M

    WingCommander-Simulator ? ?

    Why pay $6.50 for a turd when you can pay only $3.00?
  13. M

    Space sim games (SW Episode II Spoilers)

    Just as curiously, this is the first time I've seen someone complain that a director or producer did something to please the fans.
  14. M

    Space sim games (SW Episode II Spoilers)

    I'm sure the company's shareholders are happy. I know I'd be if I owned their stock. Why is this such a bad thing? There at least seems to be a standard of some sort that they're trying to maintain. Sure, you'll get some good and some bad but that holds true with anything. I'm sure that at least...
  15. M

    Has Chris Roberts ever been in this forum?

    Well, the reviews (I've seen an even mix of good and bad) don't appear to have hurt EP2 ticket sales. But from what I've heard and read, EP2 is pretty standard for the SW series: you don't go to see great acting.
  16. M

    Has Chris Roberts ever been in this forum?

    Hold on a sec, take the earlier car-buying example - I'm sure you research a car before you buy it right? Okay, scale that purchase down to a $100 DVD player - unless you've got more dough than you know what to do with I'm betting you'd research that too. You're making it sound like anyone that...
  17. M

    Has Chris Roberts ever been in this forum?

    Re: Would we really WANT POL Actually, I wasn't that excited about POL to begin with. I've never gotten into the MMP games for various reasons: 1) Cheaters (DIABLO is a perfect example of this) and 2) Lack of story. When I play the game I want to immerse myself in the story and characters. WC...
  18. M

    Has Chris Roberts ever been in this forum?

    I think though, had the movie been even moderately successful, there would have been a bigger incentive to see POL completed. It seems that almost every reasonably successful movie/TV show spawns a game these days. For example, I'd be surprised if an Episode II game isn't already being developed.
  19. M

    Has Chris Roberts ever been in this forum?

    I've seen the term *successful* used many times regarding WCP. Is this really true? Some have claimed that "it sold well" but that doesn't necessarily mean it was profitable. The reviewers seemed to like it but I don't recall it being a huge success with the buying public.
  20. M

    Old Vs New

    The nice thing about FPSs (and car games) is that there is little story. So you can pick it up, play it for an hour or so, then drop it for a week or two. With games like WC, I'd get caught up in it and play for hours and hours and hours. Mindless entertainment with little or no personal...