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  1. M

    Wing Commander Conversion for MAS

    Greetings everyone! I am currently working on a Wing Commander-themed conversion for Mercenary Air Squad, a tabletop, pen-and-paper game by Victory by any Means Games, in which players take control of a fighter squadron and run missions to improve their prestige and, of course, fill their...
  2. M

    Dynamic Campaign Online-RPG/Sim

    Yes, I still remember the days when some friends of mine and I played XWvsTF for nights and nights. Soon, however, skirmishing didn't seem enough to us and so we started to work out a Risk-ish system that incorporated many more factors than just the fighter battles, and played a somewhat basic...
  3. M

    Tolwyn and the Nephilim

    Since Tolwyn mentions several times that there were "other races" out there against which mankind must prepare to defend itself, I wonder if Confed would have been better off against the Nephilim if Geoffrey Tolwyn survived. First of all, we have the two differen super/megacarriers. Blair's...
  4. M

    Pen and Paper Group?

    I just recently re-discovered the WC CIC and Wing Commander in General and remembered a WC-Pen and Paper RPG System being around. after a little searching, I found it on I think it's a pretty good system and I'd like to possibly create a...