Recent content by Shiro Kakita

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    Rapier from Super Wing Commander paper model

    Now honestly how many times did you cut your finger while doing that? ;)
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    Hehehe... ah, Freespace...

    I still remember the mission that reveals Sathanas very vividly, and that was like 15 years ago. What a game.
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    Gearbox buys Homeworld IP

    Homeworld first person shooter? Please don't try to pull out the 2K's X-Com Gearbox. But then again there is always Hardware on the way, not the same and yet...
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    Apparently the Kilrathi are actually bears.

    Hey - everyone rips off Tolkien's elves as well ;)
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    Gaia New Frontiers

    Looks good. Can't wait to see more.
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    Gaia New Frontiers

    That sounds really great. I'm always curious about the new and interesting ways of playing games, indie scene surprises me all the time with those, I hope you will accomplish that as well.
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    New Space Game

    Just started an account to say that I took a liberty of googling you and I must say your resume looks very impressive. I hope you can deliver a fantastic game as we really need a great new space sim. Good Luck.