Recent content by Khyron

  1. K

    Wing Commander 1 / 2 from CD

    I have a CD. This CD contains Wing Commander 1 and 2 :) I've been trying to use DOSBox to play this CD! When I try to load WC1 or WC2 or almost ANY files, it comes up and says... "Warning: file E:\WING2\GAMEDAT\TM.DRV exists and failed to open in write mode. Please Remove...
  2. K

    Possible to play WCP 100% from Harddrive?

    I'd also suggest Alcohol 120%. I was using that to mount my Privateer CD virtually :D Stupid new spin up/spin down CD-ROM drives :p
  3. K

    An idle idea.

    Radar upgrades - There's two tiers of radar, with several levels. Tier 1 - FF radar Radar displays only two colors. Red if hostile, blue if not. No faction information displayed. Cargo, asteroids, mines, are called 'junk' (Cargo is yellow, asteroids are grey, and mines are orange). The...
  4. K

    An idle idea.

    Game : Privateer Online Setting : Wing Commander Privateer series. The Kilrathi have banded together once more, and begun the arduous task of rebuilding from the ashes. In a distant section of space, they've laid claim to a great many planets, and are slowly working to become great once more...