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  1. Pedro

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Thanks. I tried the framerate adjust and it feels better.. but rotation speeds feel about 3 times as fast as in the DOS version. Takes about 4 seconds to do a full 360 in the DOS version
  2. Pedro

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    They're not confined to the joystick, the mouse has the same issue. I'm convinced it's simply a precision issue as rotation will step as you pass certain thresholds - and I did do some testing back in the day that showed it was better with low framerates (because the lower the framerate the...
  3. Pedro

    Goodbye Klavs (May 13, 2024)

    That's a real tragedy, way too young. Sadly I never had the opportunity to collaborate with Klavs but I always admired his work; my work machine, home, handheld, laptop - every single PC I use has a piece of his work as the wallpaper and that has been the case for years.
  4. Pedro

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    I mean the precision issues were a problem in the original, this isn't a new problem - more a request. The mouse and joystick seem to get stuck and jump at low rotation values. Most people playing back in the day would have been lucky to get 15fps. The movies work great btw. It'd be amazing...
  5. Pedro

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    So to get the joystick working I did two things: Set compatibility mode to Win95 In USB Game Controllers I set the default controller in advanced Neither one on its own seemed to do it. Sadly the xbox controller keeps overwriting the default controller setting and not switching it back even...
  6. Pedro

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Has anyone gotten joystick working with it?
  7. Pedro

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Wow, that works surprisingly well. Auto pilot scenes even work in ultrawide.
  8. Pedro

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    It's a scripting command, not a memory address (I'm reverse engineering the data, I rarely look at the executable). That said you could probably do a search on it. Like wise I only deal with the registers and flags in the order they present in the save game data. Anywho I'll PM you a link.
  9. Pedro

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    I would think you'd intercept the script command to play a movie and check the data. 0xFACE002D But if you'd like to collaborate on register uses I can share our doc. I don't think there's any overlap in wc4 on the flags (but mission success is in the regs and seems the same in both games)
  10. Pedro

    Two Week Check-In: Album Campaign (April 21, 2024)

    I thought it was the original 16, with an additional 6 making $22k the goal? Looking at the graph 22 sure seems more likely to get hit so I'm hoping that's the case.
  11. Pedro

    New Emulation Rules Bring Classic WC Games to Apple Devices (April 18, 2024)

    Has anyone managed to hook up a Bluetooth snes pad to test this?
  12. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    @Phanteke and @MadMac_5 I've dropped you both a PM with details. Thanks again for the offer. Much appreciated. If there's still work to be done later on I'll invite the others closer to their availability.
  13. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    I appreciate the offer, I'll PM closer to June. As for TrackIR, I'll ask around if someone has one I can borrow. I don't really have the funds to buy every accessory; whilst I have VR headsets coming out of the wazoo for work but have never worked on a track IR game.
  14. Pedro

    WC4 Remastered Mod Enhances Planetary Missions & Solicits Assitance (March 26, 2024)

    Yeah the ground missions are a weird one, I think most things were done well in one Wing Commander game or another, and so when we want to make improvements we largely look to the other titles which we felt did something better. Ground missions are an exception as there's no in universe example...
  15. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    Perfect, thanks. Work is a bit crazy atm but I'll put together the build in the coming weeks and message people directly. And welcome to the CIC :)
  16. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    Great; since the terrain is a huge chunk of our remaining work I can’t see us needing the info before then. I’ll message you closer to July.
  17. Pedro

    Wing Commander at 25 (March 12, 2024)

    I don't like the movie as a movie (and I like the novels even less, my last playthrough of the series they were a real low point), but I do appreciate having something non interactive with short running length that I can stick on when I want to go back to Wing Commander but don't have the time...
  18. Pedro

    Is there any information available on how WC1 & 2 in space gameplay/graphics were created?

    It might be easier for AI programmers but it's worse for every other programmer and I often have to push back against our AI programmer doing that as he creates a mess all around the code base. Clearly it was the norm at his last job so it does happen (and it's impossible to miss in games), but...
  19. Pedro

    Is there any information available on how WC1 & 2 in space gameplay/graphics were created?

    I still think they should do what the Tomb Raider I-III remaster did. Get a dedicated fan with their own in progress remake and let them put together a team to remaster the titles ;) (I've not played it to know if it's any good, just jealous of the opportunity :))...
  20. Pedro


    Just looking at these again; I feel like I’d like the images to extend vertically as well on on super wide so they take up the whole screen. The nice thing about a super wide monitor is things always feel cinematic Ofcourse I realise that’s probably a bunch of extra work for a very small...