Recent content by Vidmaster

  1. V

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Gosh, if this works it would be crazy. Must try asap, which will be the weekend. But let me already congratulate you on releasing a very interesting thingy :-)
  2. V


    We can wait. Do not rush.
  3. V

    WC4 Remastered Mod Enhances Planetary Missions & Solicits Assitance (March 26, 2024)

    I completely agree with what the team is doing there, the atmosphere missions never worked in WC3/4 and pretty much every change will be an improvement, especially everything discussed in that article. It is stellar news from my point of view 😀
  4. V

    WC4 Remake

    I have some time coming up in July. If nobody else has had time until then, I volunteer to play some WC4 with your special build.
  5. V

    Dune: Part Two (updated new release date 3/1/2024)

    You REALLY should correct that. It is unmissable.
  6. V

    Dune: Part Two (updated new release date 3/1/2024)

    I think that is a given.
  7. V

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    This, I agree with. But Super Wing Commander has a completely different look at it fits there.
  8. V

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    I never understood why so many people hated the Super Wing Commander voices. I loved them. Weary. Tired. People who have seen too much.
  9. V

    Dune: Part Two (updated new release date 3/1/2024)

    Its gonna be awesome. And the movie's overall story progression, in particular the ending, will probably alienate quite a few people who fail to get the actual plot. Not too different to a certain Tagaryn queen I reckon... (yes, I know the later seasons had problems but not related to that...
  10. V


    What exactly is working gameplay-wise right now? I am asking because I have seen many a project goes down deep into a rabbit hole of visual customizations too early and thus eventually over-extending, leading to all that hard work never seeing the light of day. I mean that only as a word of...
  11. V


    Never overcommit ;). Your existing goal is large enough.
  12. V


    This is going to be so great. Thanks a lot for all of your hard work.
  13. V

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    I failed to find the most recent download link for this using the search? Where can I find that? To my surprise, there is no MODS category here:
  14. V

    WC4 Remake

    No thanks needed. I am doing this because it improves a game that I want to materialize and I know full well what I am getting into when I agree to test something.